Basketball victory over UAB on the road, Football adds signing day class, INTENSE new BTF, and CBME!

Basketball victory over UAB on the road, Football adds signing day class, INTENSE new BTF, and CBME!

football BTF CBME basketball UAB leddie brown neal brown kedrian johnson sean mcneil malik curry

BASKETBALL GETS A RESUME BUILDER IN BIRMINGHAM! Basketball gets a victory over UAB on the road, Football adds the latest signing day class, an INTENSE new Bluff the Fluffs, and Can't Believe My 'Eers!


On this week's Got Your Eers On?, Basketball gets a gutsy, resume building win on the road over UAB, Coach Neal Brown signs the latest incoming Football class, Men's Soccer finishes out the season with their highest ranking ever, an intense Bluff the Fluffs quizzes us on some of Scoots favorite things, and a new Can't Believe My 'Eers follows a hotly contested camel beauty pageant! Join us for all this and more on this week's episode of Got Your Eers On?...!

Show Notes:

Segment 1: Football and Basketball


Oscar goes at Huggs via The Athletic's thorough reporting

Keeping Score...Season Predictions

Prediction Gweedoe Scoot Johnson
Leads the team in scoring? Taz Taz Taz
1st into the Jordan McCabe (TM) Doghouse? Curry Kedrian Kedrian
Total wins? 19 21 19
Highest AP poll ranking? 20 15 Also rec votes
Seed in the 2022 NCAA Tourney? 9 7 8
Huggins elected into the Basketball HOF? No No No



  • Deuce plays a great game for the Knicks... and then enters the Covid-Proticol
  • Jackson State Effect.
    • Travis Hunter #1 overall recruit drop Florida State for Deion Sanders
    • Barstool Effect.
    • HBCU gets a big get!
  • WVU Men's Soccer finishes with its highest ranking in school history (7th / 8th).

Keeping Score...Season Predictions

Player Over / Under Predictions
Player Challenge Gweedoe Johnson Scoot Composite Actual
Leddie Brown 1,500 yards Over Over Under Over
Jarrett Doege 3,200 yards Over Under Under Under
Garrett Green 10 attempts Under Over Over Over
Team Win / Loss Predictions
Game Gweedoe Johnson Scoot Composite Actual
Maryland Win Loss Loss Loss Loss, 30-24
LIU Win Win Win Win Win, 66-0
Va Tech Win Win Win Win Win, 27-21
Oklahoma Loss Loss Loss Loss Loss, 16-13
Tx Tech Win Win Loss Win Loss, 23-20
Baylor Win Win Loss Win Loss, 45-20
TCU Loss Loss Win Loss Win, 29-17
IA State Loss Loss Loss Loss Win, 38-31
OK State Loss Win Loss Loss Loss, 24-3
KS State Win Win Win Win Loss, 34-17
Texas Win Loss Loss Loss Win, 31-23
Kansas Win Win Win Win Win, 34-28
Total 8 - 4 7 - 5 5 - 7 6 - 6 6 - 6

Segment 2: Bluff the Fluffs

  • Quizzing us on some of Scoot's favorite things!

Segment 3: Can't Believe My Eers

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